In hospital centers or laboratories, where clean rooms environments are required to avoid contamination of pathogens between areas, interlock systems allow to ensure safety in environments such as intensive care units (ICU) for immunosuppressed or infectious patients, burned areas, diagnostic rooms with radiological protection (CT), sterilization and microbiology laboratories…
A correct system of airlocks must guarantee, through air curtains, pressure differentials that prevent the entry of contaminants into adjacent areas, especially in hospitals, in isolation areas. Positive pressure rooms are designed to keep a patient vulnerable from a safe separation of contamination from the outside (immuno-depressed or immuno-deficient, burned unit …), by pumping clean air and filtering continuously within the room.

Positive Pressure Room – Immunosuppressed Patients
The aim of negative pressure rooms is to prevent the germs of infectious-contagious patients from entering the general air flow and infecting other people. Through air currents and overpressures, the bacteria is contained within the same room.

Negative Pressure Room – Infectious / contagious patients
The interlock systems must also incorporate a set of interconnected accesses that prevent entry to unauthorized personnel and that pollutants in the air escape, preventing their spread, putting the health of both patients at risk. The doors of a lock should not be opened simultaneously and an interlock system or a visual / auditory alarm system should be available to prevent simultaneous opening of the doors.
Grupsa has systems of Hygienic and Hermetic Doors that allow the interconnection between them, in manual or automatic version, for the control in the accesses to controlled environments through lock systems.